Thursday, February 2, 2012


February 1st: I prepared our first allergy-free dinner.  I didn't follow a recipe.  It was just a tasty sweet & spicy stir fry.
Cut up 2 chicken breasts.  Heat up pan with a little bit of olive oil.  Spices for chicken: chili powder, garlic, and red hot sauce.  Veggies:  any colorful pepper (our favorite is red) could also add broccoli/onions etc...but I felt like keeping it simple.  When chicken is cooked, squeeze honey all over it.  Serve with rice. 

February 2nd:  More of my blood results came back today (remember the 5 vials back in December).  I have a hypometabolic liver.  This essentially means a "sluggish" liver.  When the liver doesn't work, here are a few symptoms that you can experience:
  • A weakened immune system
  • Very low energy levels
  • Digestive problems/IBS diagnosis
  • High levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Heart disease
  • Pain by the lower right rib cage
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating and poor memory
  • Yellowing of the eyes
  • Skin rashes
  • Gall bladder disease/gall stones
  • Inability to lose weight no matter what
  • Poor skin and hair
Ughh.  For me, it's almost 'yes' to everything above.  The doctor set me up with a natural way to clean up and strengthen my liver.  If you have experienced any of the above...research liver cleanses.  Also, find a homeopathic doctor who will help you get on the right path.
Well, I'll keep everyone updated with my progress as I start repairing myself.  I've been looking to put a correct label to why my body has constantly shut down on me since I was 17.  This is very exciting, and gives me hope that I'll actually find a 'cure,' something I was beginning to think was impossible.

1 comment:

  1. Yum, and so colorful on your fun leaf plates.

    Oh how wonderful to find some HOPE again! People can't live well without hope. Happy for you. love, MommaRitzy
