Thursday, January 26, 2012

Before & After

Preparation has begun for our 'make-over' diet!  Let me preface this transformation with a little side note.  This past week I became convicted about how much time I spend on electronics.  My favorites are: hulu/netflix, words with friends, facebook, pinterest, and now blogging.  I look back at the last couple of months and my routine has been: work all day...come dinner...sit on the recliner for the rest of the night with electronics.  I'm a goal setter.  I like to write out lists (cleaning/groceries/house updates/work-out schedules etc.)  But, my excessive electronic use has made me LAZY!!  So---2012 is going to be a year of CHANGE for this Lauritzson family.  After 8pm (Sun-Wed)...Daniel and I are going to shut off ALL electronic devices.  That gives us a good 3 hours to read, work on projects, plan out allergy-free menus, and spend quality time together.  So excited about this!!

Okay...onto the transformation.  Here is a before pic of our pantry.  You will also see my 'laziness' as it is extremely unorganized...and what I would call "A Hot Mess!"

Now let's move on to the NEWLY re-organized, de-cluttered, allergy-free cupboard!!!
Using containers/baskets was an idea I got from pinterest last night.  I was so inspired that I went out moments later and purchased everything--cleaned out the pantry--and ta-da!

As I'm clearing out our pantry, I feel a big weight lifting off my shoulders.  A sort of renewing of the spirit/mind/body.
Yay 2012...I really like the direction you're heading in!

P.S.-here's all the food we'll be donating.

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