Thursday, January 26, 2012

Before & After

Preparation has begun for our 'make-over' diet!  Let me preface this transformation with a little side note.  This past week I became convicted about how much time I spend on electronics.  My favorites are: hulu/netflix, words with friends, facebook, pinterest, and now blogging.  I look back at the last couple of months and my routine has been: work all day...come dinner...sit on the recliner for the rest of the night with electronics.  I'm a goal setter.  I like to write out lists (cleaning/groceries/house updates/work-out schedules etc.)  But, my excessive electronic use has made me LAZY!!  So---2012 is going to be a year of CHANGE for this Lauritzson family.  After 8pm (Sun-Wed)...Daniel and I are going to shut off ALL electronic devices.  That gives us a good 3 hours to read, work on projects, plan out allergy-free menus, and spend quality time together.  So excited about this!!

Okay...onto the transformation.  Here is a before pic of our pantry.  You will also see my 'laziness' as it is extremely unorganized...and what I would call "A Hot Mess!"

Now let's move on to the NEWLY re-organized, de-cluttered, allergy-free cupboard!!!
Using containers/baskets was an idea I got from pinterest last night.  I was so inspired that I went out moments later and purchased everything--cleaned out the pantry--and ta-da!

As I'm clearing out our pantry, I feel a big weight lifting off my shoulders.  A sort of renewing of the spirit/mind/body.
Yay 2012...I really like the direction you're heading in!

P.S.-here's all the food we'll be donating.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Coping with Food Allergies

Many thanks for the support and encouragement we've been receiving regarding this "allergy-free" diet we're about to embark on.  It's interesting to see how many people struggle with some kind of food allergy.  Keep sending me your recipes and ideas!  I plan on building a cook book with the ones that end up working for us.  Perhaps at the end of this year...I will make it accessible online, so that other "newbies" to this diet can find success.

I'm feeling more and more positive and empowered about this drastic transition thanks to my mom and mamaritzy(mother-in-law).  My mom has always been 'doctor mom' to me.  When I'm not feeling well, she's the first person I turn to.  I don't know what it is--but she always finds a way to make me feel better.  She has been doing a lot of research for me, regarding food allergies.  Something she came up with for me is called a FODMAP diet.  Check it out if you've ever experienced digestion issues!  Perhaps it'll fit your symptoms?!

My mother-in-law (Debbie) is one strong lady.  A couple of years ago she was given the same results as Daniel.  She, having gone through life not knowing about the evil food demon, experienced a lot of pain and suffering and false diagnosis.  After taking the plunge, and going on the allergy free diet, she has cleansed her body, and done something modern medicine couldn't do for her in 30 + years.   Her success gives Daniel and I hope!  PLUS...she is a phenomenal resource for us (and for anyone reading this blog-possibly dealing with a similar situation).  Make sure to mark down any recipe of her's I post!   She's amazing at making substitute ingredients taste like the real thing!!

A website she sent over tonight really excited the 'cheap skate' in me :-)  This website is for those (like Daniel & I) who are new to all of this.

Here's to new beginnings!! (raises glass of delicious beringer red moscato wine) mmmm!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Food, Inc.

Brian came home tonight and told us about a documentary on food corporations called Food, Inc.  We found it on Netflix and watched it.  My mind has officially been BLOWN!  If you have not heard of this documentary, please research it or go out and rent/buy it. 
Things I've learned tonight:
-Corporate greed is horrible--so in order to put these giants out of business (or at least make them listen to us) we need to...
-Buy produce/meat locally
-Buy ORGANIC food
-Read food labels in grocery stores

Force yourselves to KNOW what's going into your bodies.

I Corinthians 6:19: "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?"

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Blawwwwwd!!  You'll understand once you watch this video.

Between the two of us, Daniel and I got six vials of blood taken right after Christmas, in hopes of finding out what foods we are allergic to.  After anxiously waiting three weeks...we finally got the results this past Tuesday.  The verdict: food allergy demon spawn: 1.  Daniel: 0.  Yes...that's right.  The food allergy demon spawn wins this time.  We found out that my husband is allergic to almost EVERYTHING.  Okay, yes, that's being quite dramatic but let me give you an idea.  Here are just a few of the things that Daniel cannot have for the next...oh...ever!

-all dairy products
-malt and barley (which are in a lot of beers)
-peanut butter
-green beans

...and the list goes on...but those are some of the BIG ones!!

After having a small melt down, both Daniel and I agreed that we should really give this allergy-free diet a chance for at least a year (hence the blog).   Forewarning: Daniel and I don't cook...we don't plan out our meals...and we are used to shopping at Walmart--all of which are not going to make this drastic transition any easier!  Oh, and did I mention that I am extremely cheap...and health foods aren't exactly great for the wallet!

Anyone want some free groceries?!  Wednesday, February 1st, 2012!!  That's when I plan to rid our house of the food allergy demon spawn.  Look for 'before' pictures in the next couple of days...and the subsequent 'after' pictures of our soon to be empty kitchen!

