who only posts at the beginning of each year (right around new year resolution time). While I'm not one for resolutions, it always seems that I get inspired by thinking "new year....new me." Well, I'm singing that same tune again, and working towards a healthier me. I did so well in 2013...that is until a certain vacation in Florida in August, starting a new job, my husband taking a lead part in a musical causing him to be gone most of September, October, and November, and oh yea---cold weather in Rochester that makes me want to stay warm and cozy inside and begin my hibernation process by eating as unhealthy as possible.
Not our car...but you get the picture. |
Between 2012 and 2013 I lost a total of 25lbs!
Lilac 5k May 2013 |
Between the months of August 2013-December 2013 I have probably gained about 10lbs back. How does that happen? Why is it so much easier to gain weight than it is to lose it? Ughh. Oh well, instead of complaining I'm getting back on the saddle--I mean, treadmill. Daniel and I are "those" people who join gyms at the beginning of the year. "Those" people who make regular gym attenders flustered. Luckily we found a cheap gym 4 minutes from our house, Spunk Fitness. We started today...did I forget to mention...I haven't really worked out since August. Death. I feel like death.
Well, losing weight won't come with exercise alone (though I wish it did....because I love food). I not only love food, I love unhealthy food: fries, fried chicken, chips, any kind of pasta, cheese wontons, cheese...cheese...and more cheese. Oh, and after a certain wine tour in August--I now love sopressata (Italian salami). Also--my desired portion sizes could feed 2 adults. I am one person. Hurrrmpph.
Focus on mantra--new year...new me. So, I made our first "healthy-er" dinner last night. Tilapia, coconut rice, and avocado chunks. It was quite delicious. I also only allowed myself one scoop of rice, instead of 2 or 3. I love how tilapia only takes about 4-5 minutes to cook. With the right spices (for me--basil and cayenne pepper) it's great! The avocado lightened up the dish.
Yum! |
Well--hopefully I'll get around to blogging more consistently. At least through April (ha). If there are any of you, like me, who are 'new year healthier me' junkies--I hope you can relate to my journey. Feel free to steal recipes, and leave comments with recipe ideas. I am no cook--so please help!